
This is a HOWTO about the Bio::NexmlIO module, and how to use it to read and write complete Nexml documents. We will also describe how the Bio::SeqIO::nexml, Bio::AlignIO::nexml, and Bio::TreeIO::nexml modules work for outputting individual data types (e.g. just trees) to Nexml.


Chase Miller


The nexml modules integrate the NeXML exchange standard into BioPerl, facilitating the adoption of this standard and easing the transition from the overworked NEXUS standard. A wrapper was used to allow BioPerl native access to the preferred NeXML parser (Bio::Phylo).

NeXML functionality in bioperl consists of four modules that allow the user to interact with NeXML data in two different ways. Bio::NexmlIO allows users to read/write an entire NeXML document, whereas Bio::SeqIO::nexml, Bio::AlignIO::nexml, and Bio::TreeIO::nexml allow the user to only read/write one data type (seqs, alns, or trees, respectively).

Getting Bio::Phylo

To use these modules, the Bio::Phylo package (not part of BioPerl) must be installed. To obtain it via CPAN, do

$ cpan
cpan[1]> install Bio::Phylo

or to get the bleeding edge Subversion:

$ svn co biophylo
$ cd biophylo
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install


Nexml support in BioPerl is accomplished by creating four nexml modules (described above) that make use of Bio::Phylo the prefered Nexml parser/unparser. The basic flow goes: BioPerl object to Bio::Phylo object to Nexml format and vice versa. The Bio::Nexml::Factory module handles the creation/conversion of BioPerl and Bio::Phylo objects providing a single Bio::Phylo access point for all four nexml modules.

The Bio::SeqIO, Bio::AlignIO, and Bio::TreeIO modules are normal extensions of BioPerl and are used in the same ways as other formats. (For more on the SeqIO modules read SeqIO HOWTO.)

The Bio::NexmlIO module allows the writing/reading of multiple data object types (i.e. trees/alns/seqs), as opposed to the other SeqIO modules which only allow a single data object type.

Example NeXML Documents

Nexml documents to use with the example code can be found at

Reading/Writing Entire NeXML Documents

Reading and writing a whole NeXML document is accomplished with the Bio::NexmlIO module. The Bio::NexmlIO module can read a NeXML document and maintain many of the data associations allowable by Bio::Phylo (however at this point not all data associations are maintained). Once read the data is automatically converted into BioPerl objects (i.e Bio::Tree::Tree, Bio::SimpleAlign, and Bio::Seq) and can be manipulated before writing back to a NeXML document.

Example Code

#Instantiate a Bio::NexmlIO object and link it to a file
my $in_nexml = Bio::NexmlIO->new(-file => 'nexml_doc.xml',
                                 -format => 'Nexml');

#Read in some data
my $bptree1 = $in_nexml->next_tree();
my $bptree2 = $in_nexml->next_tree();
my $bpaln1  = $in_nexml->next_aln();
my $bpseq1  = $in_nexml->next_seq();

#Use/manipulate data

#push into arrays
my $bptrees;
push (@{$bptrees}, $bptree1);
push (@{$bptrees}, $bptree2);

#Write data to nexml file
my $out_nexml = Bio::NexmlIO->new(-file => '>new_nexml_doc.xml',
                                  -format => 'Nexml');
$out_nexml->write(-trees => $bptrees, -alns => $alns, -seqs => $seqs);

Reading/Writing Individual Datatypes (e.g. trees)

Sometimes it may be preferable to only work with a single data type. In these cases the use of the Bio::*IO::nexml modules (Bio::TreeIO::nexml, Bio::AlignIO::nexml, or Bio::SeqIO::nexml) are available.

Example Code

Read/Write a tree

#Create stream object
my $TreeStream = Bio::TreeIO->new(-file => 'trees.xml', -format => 'Nexml');

#Read and convert first tree to BioPerl Bio::Tree::Tree object
my $tree_obj = $TreeStream->next_tree();

#Use/manipulate tree data (e.g.)
my @nodes = $tree_obj->get_nodes();

#Convert and output BioPerl tree object to nexml
my $outTree = Bio::TreeIO->new(-file => '>trees_out.xml', -format => 'nexml');

Read/Write an alignment

#Create stream object
my $AlnStream = Bio::AlignIO->new(-file => 'characters.xml',
                                  -format => 'Nexml');

#Read and convert first tree to BioPerl Bio::SimpleAlign object
my $aln_obj = $AlnStream->next_aln();

#Use/manipulate tree data (e.g.)

#Convert and output BioPerl alignment object to nexml
my $outAln = Bio::AlignIO->new(-file => '>aln_out.xml',
                               -format => 'nexml');

Use Cases

Merge two NeXML documents

For this example you will need characters.xml and trees.xml

use strict;
use Bio::NexmlIO;

#intialize input streams
my $alns_in  = Bio::NexmlIO->new(-file => "characters.xml");
my $trees_in = Bio::NexmlIO->new(-file => "trees.xml");

#read in alignments and convert to bioperl objects
my $aln1 = $alns_in->next_aln();
my $aln2 = $alns_in->next_aln()

#read in trees and convert to bioperl objects
my $tree1 = $trees_in->next_tree();
my $tree2 = $trees_in->next_tree();

#Manipulate the objects (e.g. change the id)
$aln1->id("alignment 1");

#push objects into array
my ($alns, $trees);
push (@{$alns}, $aln1, $aln2);
push (@{$trees}, $tree1, $tree2);

#intialize output stream
my $out = Bio::NexmlIO->new(-file => ">characters+trees.xml");

#call write, which generates a valid nexml document and writes it to the stream
$out->write(-trees => $trees, -alns => $alns);

Write NeXML from other formats

This example converts a Nexus file (trees.nex) to a NeXML document

use strict;
use Bio::TreeIO;
use Bio::NexmlIO;

#intialize input streams
my $trees_in  = Bio::TreeIO->new(-file => "trees.nex",
                                 -format => "nexus");

#read in trees and convert to bioperl objects
my $tree1 = $trees_in->next_tree();

#push objects into array
my $trees;
push (@{$trees}, $tree1);

#intialize output stream
my $out = Bio::NexmlIO->new(-file => ">trees_converted.xml");

#call write, which converts the data to a nexml document
# and writes to the stream
$out->write(-trees => $trees);

Convert specific data types from NeXML to other formats

For convenience NexmlIO provides methods for the quick extraction and conversion of specific data types (i.e. seqs, alns, or trees). For this example you can use the NeXML document that was created in the Merge Two NeXML Documents use case above.

use strict;
use Bio::NexmlIO;

#intialize stream
my $in = Bio::NexmlIO->new(-file => "characters+trees.xml");

#extract, convert, and write data types
$in->extract_seqs(-file => ">seqs.fas", -format => "fasta");
$in->extract_alns(-file => ">alns.nex", -format => "nexus");
$in->extract_trees(-file => ">trees.nwk", -format => "newick");

Data Degradation from Bio::Phylo

Some associations available in Bio::Phylo are not currently implemented in Bioperl.

Associations Maintained

Associations Not Maintained Yet..

Alignments and Sequences of arbitrary genotype

NeXML is a robust standard and can represent wide-ranging types of data. NeXML allows Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix objects (i.e. alignments) and Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum objects (i.e. sequences) to represent data that is not DNA, RNA, or Protein. We are working on an implementation that interconverts Bio::Phylo objects and BioPerl objects using Jason Stajich’s Bio::PopGen::Population model.